Addendum to the TRI-I Engineering, Inc. License Agreement ---------------------------------------------------------- TRI-I Engineering, Inc. grants you a royalty-free license to distribute applications based on the RIDComp and RIDCompX components and libraries. Following is the list of redistributable files: o RIDExec.dll Every client will need this file installed in either the Application directory (preferred) or in the Windows System directory. o RIDCompX.ocx These files are only required if you are developing RIDCompX.tlb with the RID ActiveX component. As part of your own installation program, this file will need to be copied to the client Windows System directory and then registered. If your installation program does not automatically detect and register OCX files, then you will need to manually register this component using REGSVR32.EXE. Following is an example: REGSVR32 \RIDCompX.ocx In no case may you redistribute with your application any of the design-time components, including but not limited to RIDCOMP.DCU, RIDComp3.dcu, IIIRID.dpl, any ActiveX control license (.LIC) files, or the Report Interface Designer application (RID.EXE) itself.